NASA EM Drive via E-Infinity Cantorian-Fractal Space-Time Theory
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Published: 10 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
We give a condensed account for NASA’s revolutionary spacecraft proposal and its theoretical justification by E-infinity theory. It is argued that the energy density gradient between cosmic ordinary energy density of the quantum particle of the universe and the cosmic dark energy density of the Hartle-Hawking wave function can produce sufficient thrust to make the EM drive proposal possible and feasible. This conclusion was recently reinforced by the Egyptian engineering scientist and theoretical physicist, M.S. El Naschie, who invoked a celebrated measure theoretical theorem due to the outstanding Israeli mathematician I. Dvoretzky. The hot topic of EM drive invited a great deal of claims and counter claims [1-6] connected mainly to the conservation of momentum [3]. The present short Letter demonstrates that EM is consistent with the accepted principles of modern quantum cosmology and does not violate Newton’s third law of classical mechanics.
Keywords:EM drive, Interstellar flight, Vacuum energy, Dark energy, Cantorian space-time, HartleHawking wave function of the cosmos, Cantorian plasma, Quantum cosmology, Casimir-dark energy nanoreactor.

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How to Cite
Leila Marek-Crnjac. (2018-04-10). "NASA EM Drive via E-Infinity Cantorian-Fractal Space-Time Theory." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-4